(Scroll over images for extra info.)

Olivier is my partner, assistant and so much more...He is also a talented photographer (www.oliphoto.com)
Photo: Teodora Stefan
Retouch: Tora Chirila

Olivier is my partner, assistant and so much more...He is also a talented photographer (www.oliphoto.com)
Photo: Teodora Stefan
Retouch: Tora Chirila

Tora Photography Studio

Tora Photography Studio

Tora the Photographer in action.
Assistant: Teodora Stefan

Tora the Retoucher at work & Molly the Chinchilla (A.K.A Retouching Advisor in Chief)

Sometimes my work gets messy, but that's how beautiful things are created.

Tora the MUA working on a galaxy bodypaint

My makeup station.

My home office

What's in my bag...sort of...

If you want to know me better and get a further look behind the scenes and into my colourful life, head on over to my Instagram. I'm quite active there.