This month marks one year since I photographed my first CreativeMornings/Montreal event and looking in retrospect and seeing the vast collection of images I have gathered does bring a sense of personal accomplishment. But it’s not just the photos themselves that make me smile to myself, but the wonderful experiences I’ve had, the interesting stories I’ve heard, the amazing people I have met and, last but not least, all the awesome places I got to see in the process. Creative Mornings allowed me (and not only me, but everyone attending) to explore so many nice corners and venues all over Montreal. Join me in a little photo trip around this beautiful city and down my MTLCM memory lane.
Complexe Desjardins (August 2016)
Speaker: Massimo Agostinelli. Theme: Weird (#CMweird)

See the full collection of photos here.
Village au Pied-du-Courant (July 2016)
Speaker: Scott Jones. Theme: Love (#CMlove)

See the full collection of images on the CreativeMornings/Montréal Facebook page.
Van Horne Viaduct, Mile End (June 2016)
Speaker: Miss Me. Theme: Broken (#CMbroken)
Click here to see more images.
L'Auberge Saint Gabriel (May 2016)
Speaker: Jean-François St-Onge. Theme: Reality (#CMreality)
L'Auberge Saint Gabriel is a restored historic building, now a chic restaurant, located in the heart of Old Montreal. The May 2016 event took place in the Grenier Hall, on the top floor of the Auberge. I was there, of course, but this time with a special portrait assignment, courtesy of Creative Mornings and Shutterstock.
Photos (above): Tora Photography
Photo: Alexandre Racine
See the full collection of images on the MTLCM Facebook page.
Salon 1861 (March 2016)
Speaker: Michel Cartier. Theme: Change (#CMchange)
To see the rest of the photos, click here.
Cinémathèque Québécoise (February 2016)
Speaker: Carole Poliquin. Theme: Ethics (#CMethics)
Click here for the rest of the photos.
Cossette (January 2016)
Speaker: Milk & Bone. Theme: Language (#CMlanguage)
For the full collection of images click here.
Théâtre Fairmount (December 2015)
Speaker: La Tank. Theme: Time (#CMtime)
Fairmount Theatre is a concert venue in Montreal Mile End. It's a nice location, I had never been there before. Unfortunately I don't have photos of the actual venue. When I got there for Creative Mornings, iI was in event photo mode, and the place was quite dark...Oh or not, I can say "been there, know that place" :)
See the rest of the photos here.
Phi Centre (November 2015)
Speaker: Michel Coupal. Theme: Work (#CMwork)
The rest of the photos can be seen here.
Théâtre d'Aujourd'hui (October 2015)
Speaker: Simon Jodoin. Theme: Shock (#CMshock)
Théâtre d'Aujourd'hui is a theatre in the Plateau-Mont-Royal. I have been there on two separate Creative Mornings occasions: first, it was for the October event, and second was for the special event organized by CM on Nuit Blanche (Le Cabaret Nocturne Creative Mornings) in February 2016. The Nuit Blanche event was quite a creative endeavour for me, as not only did I take photos of the evening, but I also designed and set up a photobooth (which was quite a success).
Click here for the full collection of #CMshock photos and here for the full set of Nuit Blanche photos.
Rialto Theatre (September 2015)
Speaker: Patsy Van Roost. Theme: Empathy (#CMempathy)
This was the first Creative Mornings event that I photographed and it was a really good one. Not to mention the location, which was (is) quite impressive. I was off to a really great start.
The past year with Creative Mornings has been a wonderful experience that has taken me from fancy venues to the gritty streets, and from photographing in the sand to seeing street art in the making. I hope you enjoyed my little CM photo tour of Montreal. However, what you see in these images is just one little side of the story. Creative Mornings has really been a wonderful experience so far, and it made me fall in love even more with this crazy & creative city ours. I'm excited to see where I'm going next!!